Websites Like GraffitiGeo / Similar to:
Websites Like GraffitiGeo / Websites similar to GraffitiGeo / GraffitiGeo Competitors
Below is a list of websites like GraffitiGeo / services like / similar to GraffitiGeo :
GraffitiGeo allows users to leave brief reviews of restaurants, or for those too lazy to do that, to simply leave a 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down' - it's like a highly condensed version of Yelp, or a 'Digg for the world'. These reviews and votes can be cast from the site's iPhone app or from the service's homepage. The homepage also features a stream of the latest comments to come in from other users, as well as a profile for each restaurant in the system that includes all of its votes and comments. There's also a nifty feature that lets you view a heatmap of your current region, so you can quickly figure out the hot spots in town. The gameplay in GraffitiGeo gives you points for checking into certain locations, similar to FourSquare..