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In order to give you the most comprehensive opinions on Netflix , below we list
reviews written by experts, editors, and users on other websites. If these reviews
don't provide a numeric/quantitative rating, we have created a rating called an
SR Equivalent score which is based on the overall opinion of the writer.
Editor Review of NetFlix
Rating Given:
none given
SR Equivalent Score:
1 / 10
Editor Review of NetFlix
Rating Given:
3.5 out of 4
SR Equivalent Score:
8 / 10
User Reviews of NetFlix
Rating Given:
3 out of 5
SR Equivalent Score:
6 / 10
Editor Review of NetFlix Streaming Box
Rating Given:
none given
SR Equivalent Score:
9 / 10
Comparison of NetFlix vs. BlockBuster
Rating Given:
none given
SR Equivalent Score:
9 / 10
Comparison of NetFlix vs. BlockBuster
Rating Given:
none given
SR Equivalent Score:
8 / 10
User Reviews of NetFlix
Rating Given:
4.53 out of 5
SR Equivalent Score:
9 / 10
User Reviews of NetFlix
Rating Given:
4.5 out of 5
SR Equivalent Score:
9 / 10
User Reviews of NetFlix
Rating Given:
4.5 out of 5
SR Equivalent Score:
9 / 10
Reviews of
by SiteRapture Editors /
Reviews by Editors
SiteRapture User Reviews of
Reviews by Users
out of 10
Making DVD rentals easier Submitted By:
Why go to the store to buy or rent a movie when you can do all this from the comfort of your home. This is what netflix can do for you. Once you register, you will be able to access their catalog of over 85 thousand movies. The process is very simple. You sign up for a particular plan and when you order the movies they will be shipped to your doorstep or if this is not fast enough, for you can instantly watch your movie selection on your PC . You will be able to watch these movie selections that can range from classic to new releases. Most of all I love the fact that there are no late fees and I can cancel anytime I do not need this service. There are a variety of plans which range from $4.99 to $23.99 a month with unlimited rentals per month. Netflix is something that everyone should try. It’s free to try. The customer service is 24 hours and there no cancellation fee.
(click here for complete review)
out of 10
Netflix Submitted By:
Netflix is a great movie rental site. It is VERY convenient and the movies come fast. Netflix is also cheap compared to other online movie rental sites. They have an amazing collection of movies, including everything from new releases to kids movies. They make it a no-brainer to return your movies, too-just pop the movie into a prepaid envelope and off it goes, with another movie from your list coming right away. Definitely a useful service to subscribe to, and they have SUPERB customer service.
(click here for complete review)
out of 10
Netflix is movie heaven Submitted By:
My family has had Netflix for a couple of years, and love it. You can order almost any DVD you can think of. We especially love the fact that you can order movies that haven't even been released! If you see a current movie (in the theaters) that interests you, Netflix lets you order it. When it is finally released as a DVD, you'll get it. There's no cost to send DVD's back, and replacements come very quickly. We've had very few "bad" discs that didn't play well. We like the movie synopses, viewer reviews, and the fact that they recommend films based on what you order.
(click here for complete review)
out of 10
Netflix beats its competiton for now Submitted By:
I subscribed to netflix about 5 months ago and I am still here. What drew me to sign up was their free month. I figured I'd try it and see. I simply loved that ther are so many genres available that are not at Blockbuster. You can find your independent films, documentaries, foreign films, TV shows, music shows, concerts, and many others. Additionally, there are so many ways to search for a movie. To name just a few: by name, by actor/actress, by theme, by year/era, by most favorite in your area....I LOVE IT! Some shows/films are available online for free. You can also share your movie tastes with your friends. By having access to their Q, you check out what they have seen and how they've rated certain movies. We all have some friends we generally seem to agree when it comes to movies :-). The service is also cheaper than Blockbuster. My plan is 3 at a time and I generally go through 6 discs a week. At Blockbuster, that would come out to aprox. $48 and I pay $14- can't beat it! I admit that using this service involves some planning, but most people bring their envelopes to work each morning making it a breeze.
(click here for complete review)
out of 10
Submitted By:
I love netflix for it's ease of use. I am the worst person when it comes to returning movies. With their service I don't have to remember to return the movie. The other cool part is that you can create a queue for movies you want sent to you. That way you can set up you queue with a lot of movies and forget about what did I want to watch today. The downside is that the movies take about 2 days to arrive, but to counter that you can stream unlimited movies online, for no extra cost to membership.
(click here for complete review)
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