Websites Like ReverbNation / Similar to:
Websites Like ReverbNation / Websites similar to ReverbNation / ReverbNation Competitors
Below is a list of websites like ReverbNation / services like / similar to ReverbNation :
ReverbNation / Reverb Nation is a Music 2.0 company that is responding to the changing music business paradigm.
For Artists, ReverbNation provide innovative marketing solutions that musicians need to compete, cooperate, and differentiate in an increasingly noisy online environment. Unlike typical "closed" communities, artists use ReverbNation as their home base for approaching marketing and promotion across the Internet as a whole — be it via social networks, blogs, or the artist's homepage. Tools like TunePaks, FanReach, and Widgets give the artist the power to spread their music and information virtually anywhere. Real-time stats then provide a 360-degree view of how the music is spreading, who is listening, and which fans are actually passing it on to their friends and posting it on their pages. .