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As the host of this growing music community, we are fans of all of the people that make music such a huge part of our lives at every step of the journey. MusicHawk unites all lovers of music, whether they thrive on the notes themselves, or the business behind the notes. It crosses the divide between art, demographics, and commerce, throwing the bespectacled college rock snob into the same stew as the suburban hip-hopper. Amateur garage bands and the latest of iTunes’ corporate darlings sit side by side as equal artists on MusicHawk. The MusicHawk community rests on the feeling we all get when we toss the dollar bill into the open guitar case, or tear the shrinkwrap on a new cd in the parking lot of the record store, or watch the download bar work its mysterious delivery-magic as new music hits our hard drives. The collective power and love of music might just be the last thing that will keep us all together. .