Below is a list of websites like Maestro / services like / similar to Maestro :
Remotely access, manage, and interact with your entire music library stored at home through any web browser. To start streaming music, you need to download the "Maestro Connector" and tell it where you stash your music. Maestro then quickly scans all the meta-data for your music (location, artist, album, length) and logs it in your profile online. Leave your Maestro Connector running and you can play all of your songs, complete with album art, a wide depth of information on artists, albums, concert information, and so much more. You can sync your iTunes playlists with Maestro or organize your music into playlists through your browser. You can share your playlists with your friends, and listen to theirs as well! Don't forget to add your favorite playlist to your social network profile pages (Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, etc.). Find new friends with similar music tastes, discover new music, and find yourself falling in love with music all over again! .