Websites Like Goombah / Similar to:
Websites Like Goombah / Websites similar to Goombah / Goombah Competitors
Below is a list of websites like Goombah / services like / similar to Goombah :
Goombah is totally free to users. Users can get started by entering their favorite artists or using one of Goombah's pre-fabricated lists. Both free tracks and recommendations from other members' collections are displayed and can be sampled in a radio-style play.
Building on information from its desktop application, Goombah analyzes the music and play patterns in music libraries to determine what mix of music people really like. Rather than analyzing components of tracks or linking similar artists together, Goombah uses the music taste of thousands of clusters of real people to make recommendations. The result is recommendations that are less predictable and more relevant. With more than 16 million tracks in user libraries, the music discovered with Goombah is targeted and full of delightful surprises – not just more of the same. Users enjoy a great listening experience playing the full-length of recommended tracks. .