Websites Like MyAppBuilder / Similar to:

Websites Like MyAppBuilder / Websites similar to MyAppBuilder / MyAppBuilder Competitors

Below is a list of websites like MyAppBuilder / services like / similar to MyAppBuilder : MyAppBuilder is a service that creates iPhone applications designed to help you sell your content. Whether that's books, music, videos, etc., the service turns any content into an app. You can also use MyAppBuilder to create custom quizzes, apps that are fed by Twitter pages, or you can turn your blog into an app by way of its RSS feed. To use the online app builder, you login to the service's "Control Panel" where you submit details about your app including content, features, flow, and image files. The company then uses this information to create an app for you which is sent back to you for review. After you approve the app, MyAppBuilder submits it to the iTunes App Store on your behalf..