Below is a list of websites like Dealigee / services like / similar to Dealigee :
Dealigee – Another daily deal reseller to enter the group buying market. Dealigee takes a slightly different approach by integrating Facebook into their website via their own Facebook application. User don’t have to fill out any registration forms either, they simply login using their Facebook account. In order to create a deal listing, the user must validate their PayPal account to verify they are indeed who they say they are. This provides an extra layer of protection for deal coupon buyers. Dealigee allows sellers to list their deal coupon for free (no listing fees assessed) with a “buy now” price or they may permit potential buyers to submit eBay-like bids through a “make an offer” purchase option. All deal listings expire after 30 days but sellers can easily re-list them again if the voucher doesn’t sell. Payment for the voucher is completed through PayPal and it is delivered directly to the seller. Dealigee doesn’t interfere with the exchange of funds or the delivery of the voucher..