Websites Like Lifesta / Similar to:

Websites Like Lifesta / Websites similar to Lifesta / Lifesta Competitors

Below is a list of websites like Lifesta / services like / similar to Lifesta : Lifesta – This group coupon reselling site takes a more hands-on approach to the deal coupon marketplace in an attempt to offer an easier and more secure option for group coupon sellers and buyers. Sellers must fill out a form on Lifesta that includes relevant information about the deal they want to sell (i.e. original URL of deal, merchant’s location, deal category, price, value, expiration date, and terms/limitations of the deal) and upload a scanned image of the voucher(s). Coupon sellers may set the price of the second hand deal voucher to whatever they want and the listing does not expire until the voucher’s expiration date is reached. Buyers pay Lifesta directly in order to download the voucher and Lifesta passes the funds to the seller immediately after the purchase minus their cut ($0.99 + 8% of the voucher’s sale price)..