Category Site Types Page - Question / Answer Websites

What to Look for in Question / Answer Websites


The items listed below are the key things you should look for before joining Question / Answer Websites. Pay close attention to these areas as they determine which sites are the best.

Feature Name
Feature Description
Large number of users (size of the network) As with most sites, this is very critical for answers sites because if there is no one using the site, then there will be no one to answer your questions. There will also be very few questions asked if the network is small. So look for sites that have lots of user activity or that has lots of users.
Community Features Community features always help users find things because it applies a face and personality to discovery. Surfing through user profile pages for questions and answers is always fun. Also being able to tap a specific user in the community for information is always an effective way to get that info. Look for social interactivity.
