Category Site Types Page - Email Services

What to Look for in Email Services


The items listed below are the key things you should look for before joining Email Services. Pay close attention to these areas as they determine which sites are the best.

Feature Name
Feature Description
Easy to Use Email Organization Tools Look for services that give you tools to organize your email such as labeling emails from certain people / groups, creation of folders to seperate emails, creation of filters to direct emails from certain people into different folders, and other ways to clean up your inbox.
Inbox Search Options Look for email sites that provide easy to use search options for looking through emails. Look for advanced search features that allow you to search various email attributes including sender, email text, date, etc.
Spam Protection Look for email sites that offer SPAM protection software with your email address. This stops all of those unsolicited emails from hitting your inbox and throws them into a junk mail folder that you can sort through at your own leisure.
Large Inbox Size Look for email sites that offer larger inbox size limits. The larger the limit the more emails you can have come into your inbox without having to delete them. Once your limit is reached, you have to delete emails you don't need anymore or buy extra space from the email site. If you don't do either of those things, all emails sent to your email address will fail to reach you.
