Category Site Types Page - Trading Community Websites

What to Look for in Trading Community Websites


The items listed below are the key things you should look for before joining Trading Community Websites. Pay close attention to these areas as they determine which sites are the best.

Feature Name
Feature Description
Numbers of items listed on the network to trade The more items that are available to be traded, the more likely you are to get the item you want. More items up for trade is also an indication of a large network of traders which ultimately means you can more easily find what you are looking for or find customers that will want what you have to trade. Look for services that have lots of items up for grabs.
Community Features Community features link users of similar tastes and interest and provide you with opportunities to improve your user experience. Look for services that offer community features like friends lists, wish list sharing, transaction history with other users, user/trader scores and ratings, user-to-user messaging, avatars, etc. that allow you to connect with other users.
Trader scores / ratings If you want to avoid dealing with a fraudulent of dishonest trader, look for services that provide scores and/or reviews of the traders and their transactions. This is a sure fire way to here other user's opinions on their experiences trading with certain people. If the review and/or scores on a particular user is bad, stay away from dealing with that user.
Types of items you can trade Trading community services sometimes allow users to trade many types of items. However, we have found that the services that focus on one item and created features and content around those items typically provide the best user experience. Look for sites that specialize in trading the items you are looking for. If you want to trade DVDs, look for a DVD focused trading community. If you want to trade video games, look for a video game focused trading community.
