Editor Recommendations / Editor Quick Picks -

Editor Recommendations / Editor Quick Picks - Digital Music Websites


The items listed below are the features that are offered by Digital Music Websites. These items should be evaluated thoroughly before selecting a site to join.

Quick Picks Name
Quick Picks Description
Quick Picks Winner
Best Community Features imeem is service that connects music fans the best utilizing their extensive data and user network. imeem provides a plethora of options to share music and connect with friends and/or like minded music fans.
Best Recommendations Because imeem is the best at gathering information from the community through sharing and using that information to connect music fans, they have a head start when it comes to recommendations.
Most Comprehensive Service When it comes to the total package, Rhapsody is the service that brings it all together under one service. Users can buy and download music, subscribe to unlimited streaming without downloading, port music to most MP3 players, offer recommendations, community, MP3 management, CD player, and just about anything else you want do.
